Dr. Ben Amit’s thoughts on using the GemmaCert solution Simple, Sleek & Smart, Gemmacert Is The Must-have Solution For The Entire Cannabis Supply Chain .
GemmaCert takes the guesswork out of cannabis potency – now you know exactly what you’re growing, buying, or selling. GemmaCert combines 3 state-of-the-art technologies – spectrometry, image analysis, and machine learning – to bring you rapid, reliable, real-time results. No special skills or training are required.
The Fallacy of Regulatory Cannabis Potency Testing
Regulated cannabis markets have different mandatory testing protocols. Most require random cToday’s mandated sampling procedures do not ensure accurate labelling. One should not be surprised if any flower taken randomly from a batch tests 20% in either direction of the mandated sampling result. In other words, if a batch is attributed a THC potency of 15%, a randomly selected flower from the same batch can yield a THC result of 12% to 18%! Source
All you need are the patented GemmaCert device and our user-friendly secure app to benefit from reliable composition and potency readings in moments. Best of all, GemmaCert is completely non-destructive, meaning you can test any flower or product you want: all the certainty, none of the downsides. for more information please visit our website: