I was recently asked to present a Cannabis & Marketing course to Cheeba Academy students at The Canna Club in Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, South Africa. As with everything, I said, Yes!!
This weekend the pressure started and I diligently started compiling course material into a presentation. The meeting was going to be done through Zoom and with all the loadshedding and power outages for the last several weeks, I needed to find a location with backup power and Internet. Loadshedding plays havoc with internet communications and the battery backup some of these systems run.
Marketing & Cannabis
I decided to change the course slightly and focus the material on The Digital Revolution. The time is perfect, and the old world is history, we are living in a new digital world that has been catalysed by the pandemic we are living through. 8 students I have never met, and dont know. Marketing Cannabis: What do I know? The pressure is on.
I wrote down several pages of topics I thought were current and interesting, researched them and built an outline, focusing on marketing and business in the cannabis industry. Below is the final script that has presented to the class at 2:00pm today.
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The Digital Revolution
1. Traditional Marketing
2. Marketing in 2021
3. Cannabis Marketing
4. Successful Cannabis Marketing
5. Business Plan Basics
Discussion, Questions and Answers
1. Case Studies
2. Business Ideas
3. Questions and Answers
Loadshedding dropped to Stage 3, which meant our power would only be off later on this evening. Cool location at home and the Internet connection was fast and steady.
The online lecture was 1.5 hours with a couple questions being asked during the presentation. I hope the they found it interesting and took something with them from the course. I wish them the best in their future cannabis adventures. Check out cheebaafrica.com for more courses online and updates.
To support the growth of the industry we run The Craft Cannabis Sessions and Craft Cannabis TV which are initiatives to bring the Cannabis community closer together through knowledge sharing and networking. This knowledge is then offered through formalised training via our Cheeba Cannabis Academy.Source
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